Wednesday, March 2, 2016

New Version of WinCross® Released

The Analytical Group has released WinCross v16, statistical crosstabulation and data analysis software. We are most excited about our new TAG Drive cloud-based file storage that lets you open and save job, data and report files for access from anywhere.  In addition, there are many new time-saving features for creating and editing your job and data files.

We've added an Excel filtering column, tabbed Excel options, new copy and paste functionality for banner columns, a new Regression module and Quick Tools for quick-and-easy significance, statistic, frequency and sample size calculations.

WinCross Express features now work with other variable-type data, Glossary syntax has been simplified and many new table, banner and row options have been added.

Increased memory capacity for 64-bit operating systems and new maximums for record length and number of variables provides greater WinCross processing power.

WinCross is available in both desktop and network configurations; contact The Analytical Group for pricing. WinCross is compatible with all 32- and 64-bit versions of Windows, and with version 23 of SPSS®. Contact: The Analytical Group, Inc., 16638 N 90th Street, Scottsdale, AZ 85260; 480-483-2700;;

WinQuery® and QueryWeb® Designer Version 16 Announced

The Analytical Group has released WinQuery and QueryWeb v16. WinQuery is a CATI/CAPI telephone interviewing platform, while QueryWeb provides Internet-based surveying capabilities. 

We've added new VoIP features including an auto disposition setting to automatically disposition calls or allows the interviewer to disposition calls and VoIP alternate phone number dialing.

New Conduct Interview features include the option to limit the number of answers allowed for multiple choice questions, maximum answer items for numeric and grouped rating questions increased to 99 from 30 and the grouped rating closed end question has been resized and re-engineered. New callback option allows interviewers to view any sample element on the callback screen for the current callback.

Expanded review open end data features include the ability to increase or decrease the font size while reviewing, ability to review open ends by selected respondents and a new "Back" button to view and modify previously reviewed respondents.

WinQuery includes a new toolbar shortcut to directly open your study in QueryWeb Designer. A new average length report and redesigned list answers report with Excel output is available in QueryWeb online management.

WinQuery and QueryWeb are compatible with all 32- and 64-bit versions of Windows, and with version 23 of SPSS®. Please contact The Analytical Group for pricing. Contact: The Analytical Group, Inc., 16638 N 90th Street, Scottsdale, AZ 85260; 480-483-2700;;